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Do You Tip Service Technicians - Talking Tradesmen

Do You Tip Service Technicians

In a time when tipping has become completely customary for certain services like restaurants, bars, and salons, understanding the etiquette of tipping for unconventional services can be a bit murky. Should you tip your car washer? What about your furniture builder? Or landscaper

Tipping is a personal choice, but is always a reasonable expectation whenever a personal service is provided. When and how much gratuity to show can be hard to navigate, especially when it’s a new service. Join us as we explain our framework for tipping our hardworking service workers.

Why Tip? And When?


  • Quality of Service: Tipping directly acknowledges the quality of service received in unconventional industries such as car washing, landscaping, and furniture building.
  • Personal Services: Any time an individual (or small group) labors for you specifically, it is good practice to show them gratitude through a tip. Even though they may be compensated by their company, they nonetheless took time and effort out of their lives to benefit yours. It’s important to show them specifically that you care.
  • Recognition of Skill: It honors the skill required in these professions, from meticulous detailing to expert craftsmanship.
  • Fair Compensation: Tipping ensures fair compensation for service providers, particularly in industries where base wages may be lower or irregular.
  • Relationship Building: Generous tipping fosters positive relationships between clients and service providers, leading to better communication and continued excellence. By tipping well, clients motivate service providers to maintain high standards and strive for excellence.
Our Pick
The Tipping Point: How Little Things Can Make a Big Difference

Discover the transformative power of tipping in "The Tipping Point: How Little Things Can Make a Big Difference." Explore the impact of small gestures, like tipping car wash attendants, on creating significant changes in societal norms and behaviors

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Here are some examples of industries where tipping is often overlooked :

Car Washing: Sprucing Up More Than Just Your Ride

Imagine this: your car has accumulated a layer of dirt and grime after a long road trip. You take it to the local car wash, and after a thorough scrub-down, it gleams like it just rolled out of the showroom. Should you tip the attendant who made this transformation possible? The answer is yes! While not always expected, tipping your car wash attendant a few dollars is an important gesture of appreciation for making your vehicle shine. These days, between $5 – 10 per vehicle is considered reasonable, with higher tips for above and beyond service.

Car Wash Personnel Cleaning the Car

Landscaping: Cultivating Green Spaces and Gratuity

Whether it’s mowing the lawn, trimming hedges, or planting vibrant flowers, landscapers play a vital role in beautifying our outdoor spaces. While not as customary as tipping a waiter, tipping your landscaper is a thoughtful way to acknowledge their efforts and provide incentive for more diligent work. Depending on the complexity of the job, tipping 10-20% of the service cost or a flat rate per worker, is a great way to show your gratitude for a job well done. 

Landscaper Installing Green Grass


Furniture Building: Crafting Comfort and Creativity

Tipping your furniture builder is a gesture that’s sure to be appreciated. If the craftsmanship exceeded your expectations or the project required extra effort, consider tipping anywhere from 15-20% of the total cost. Even when the builder did a simple but OK job, a 5-10% bonus provides reasonable recognition for their hard work. 

Two Furniture Builders Crafting Wood with Creativity


Dog Grooming: Pampering Furry Friends and Their Owners

Our beloved pets deserve the best care, and that often includes regular grooming sessions to keep them looking and feeling their best. Tipping your dog groomer shows not only appreciation for their expertise, but for their care and attention to your furry companion too. 15-25% of the grooming fee is standard, but if your groomer goes above and beyond or handles a particularly challenging grooming session with grace, consider showing a bit more gratuity. An effective tip will incentivize them to show the same care next time as well!

Pet Groomer Pampering the Dog Pet


Pool Maintenance: Making a Splash with Gratuity

Owning a pool may be a luxury, but maintaining it is no small feat. From balancing chemicals to cleaning filters, pool maintenance technicians work hard to keep your oasis in pristine condition. While not always expected, tipping your pool maintenance person is a thoughtful gesture. And since they come back frequently, showing gratuity encourages them to provide exceptional service every time. $20-$30 per visit is a great way to show your appreciation for their efforts in keeping your pool sparkling clean. Bigger jobs and work during the holiday seasons should garner a bit larger of a tip as well.

Pool Personnel Cleaning the Pool


Be Kind To Our Service Workers!

While tipping may not be as customary in many professional services as it is in others, showing your appreciation is always a welcome gesture. Whether it’s for a job well done, exceptional service, or simply to acknowledge the hard work of those behind the scenes, a tip goes a long way in making someone’s day a little brighter. So the next time you find yourself getting exceptional service for anything personal, don’t hesitate to show your appreciation with a tip!

Service Technician Worker in Thumbs Up Pose







Frequently Asked Questions


Should I Tip Service Technicians?

Discover the etiquette of tipping for service technicians and learn when and how much to tip in different industries.


Which Industries Require Tipping Service Technicians?

Explore common industries like car washing, landscaping, furniture building, dog grooming, and pool maintenance where tipping service technicians is customary.


What’s the Appropriate Tip for My Service Technician?

Understand the factors influencing tipping amounts and get practical advice on tipping percentages and flat rates for various services.


Is Tipping Service Technicians Obligatory?

Learn about the significance of tipping as a gesture of appreciation and understand when it’s considered appropriate to tip service technicians.


Can Tipping Enhance Service Technician Performance?

Uncover how tipping service technicians fosters better communication, maintains excellence, and builds positive client-provider relationships.

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