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How Much Does An Exterminator Cost

As a homeowner, dealing with pests is an unfortunate reality you will likely face at some point. Whether it’s termites chewing through the foundation of your house or ants marching through your kitchen, pest control is not an area where do-it-yourself remedies are advisable or realistic. Hiring a professional exterminator is often the only way to fully eliminate an infestation and prevent the pests from returning. However, exterminator services do come at a cost. If you find yourself in need of professional pest control, you’re probably wondering how much an exterminator costs. The answer depends on several factors, including the type of pests, the severity of the infestation, the size of your home, and your location. In this article, we’ll explore the range of costs for exterminator services, so you know what to expect before hiring a pro to banish the bugs from your home.

The Cost of Exterminating Mice

The specific approach to eliminating the mice will determine the overall price. The most common methods include:

exterminator costs
  1. Poison bait – Poison bait, like warfarin or bromethalin, is affordable but can take days or weeks to fully eliminate an infestation. Costs typically range from $200 to $350.
  2. Snap traps – While inexpensive, snap traps are labor-intensive and not ideal for large infestations. You can expect to pay $50 to $200 for a pest control professional to deploy an adequate number of snap traps.
  3. Electronic traps – Electronic traps deliver a quick electric shock to kill mice upon entering the trap. They are more humane but cost $300 to $500 for a typical home.
  4. Exclusion – Exclusion involves sealing up entry points to prevent mice from getting inside. It is often used in combination with other methods. By itself, exclusion services will cost $200 to $400.
  5. Rodenticide – As a last resort, rodenticides or rodent poisons may be used. Professionals will thoroughly treat the attic, crawlspace, garage, and any entryways. Rodenticide treatments typically start around $300 but can cost $500 or more.

How Much Do Exterminators Charge for Roaches?

exterminator costs

Exterminators typically charge between $200 to $500 to eliminate a cockroach infestation in a home, depending on the size of the property and the severity of the problem. The total cost will also depend on the exterminator’s experience, licenses, and the types of pest control methods used.

To determine an accurate price, the exterminator will first inspect your home. They will check areas where roaches may enter and hide, such as cracks and crevices in walls, cabinets, baseboards, and pipes. The exterminator will also evaluate sanitation issues that can attract roaches like standing water or exposed food waste.

Based on the inspection results, the exterminator can then recommend a customized treatment plan and provide an exact quote for services. A typical plan will include:

exterminator costs
  • Applying gel baits or boric acid powder in areas where roaches travel. These poisonous substances get distributed to the whole colony through contact with other roaches.
  • Spraying insecticides, such as pyrethrin or imidacloprid, in infested areas and entry points to kill roaches on contact and leave a residual barrier.
  • Using roach growth regulators disrupts the roach life cycle and prevents reproduction.
  • Re-inspecting and re-treating your home if necessary. Most exterminators will guarantee their work and provide follow-up treatments at no extra charge.

Bed Bug Extermination: What to Expect to Pay

Bed bug extermination can vary in cost depending on the severity of the infestation and method of treatment. Professional exterminators typically charge between $200 to $1500 per room. The national average for bed bug removal is $500 to $1000.

To eliminate an infestation, an exterminator will inspect to determine the scope of the problem. They will then recommend a customized treatment plan. The most effective methods include:

exterminator costs
  • Heat treatment: Uses industrial heaters to raise the temperature in the room to at least 113°F, which kills all stages of bed bugs. This method is very effective but more expensive, ranging from $500 to $1500 per room.
  • Chemical pesticides: Sprays pesticides in cracks and crevices and on baseboards to kill bed bugs and eggs. Requires multiple applications. Typically $200 to $800 per room.
  • Steam cleaning: Uses high-pressure steam to kill bed bugs and eggs on contact. Natural and chemical-free but labor-intensive. Usually $300 to $700 per room.
  • Encasements: Covers mattresses and box springs with a protective covering that traps bed bugs inside and eventually kills them. Can be used alone or in combination with other methods. Around $100 to $200 per bed.

The exterminator will also recommend prep work to do before treatment such as:

  • Reducing clutter where bed bugs can hide
  • Washing and heat-drying bedding and clothing
  • Vacuuming thoroughly

Rat Removal and Exclusion: Typical Rates

For rat extermination, exterminators will charge between $200 to $500 for a typical single-family home. This includes setting bait stations or live traps to eliminate the existing population, then sealing up any holes or cracks leading into the home greater than 1/4 inch in size to exclude future rats. For a severe infestation, costs maybe $500 to $1500 or more. Commercial properties will be on the higher end of the range, from $500 to $2500 for extermination.

Rodent-proofing a structure by sealing potential entry points is key to long-term rat control. Exterminators will charge between $200 to $1000 to rodent-proof a typical home by sealing holes or cracks in foundations, roofs, attics, basements, and garages. The specific cost depends on the size of your home and how difficult it is to access entry points. Rodent-proofing helps ensure rats do not return or re-infest after extermination. It may need to be repeated every few years as new damage or holes appear.

In summary, you can expect to pay:

  • $200 to $500 for rat extermination and basic rodent-proofing for a typical single-family home.
  • $500 to $1500 or more for severe infestations or commercial properties.
  • $200 to $1000 for comprehensive rodent-proofing to seal up entry points, depending on the size and accessibility of your home.
  • Higher rates for emergency or after-hours service calls.
  • Potential discounts when bundling multiple pest control services together.

Other Factors That Affect Exterminator Costs

Other factors that can affect how much an exterminator charges include:

  • The type of infestation. Larger infestations of insects or rodents typically cost more to eliminate due to the increased labor and resources required. Bed bug treatments, for example, often require multiple visits and intense heat or chemical treatments to fully eradicate, so these services typically cost significantly more. Termite treatments are also usually on the higher end of the price spectrum due to the specialized chemicals and equipment needed.
  • The location of the property. Exterminator prices can vary in different areas based on the costs of living and operating a business. Rural and remote locations may also have higher fees due to the additional travel time required.
  • The experience and reputation of the exterminator. Established exterminators with advanced certifications, training, experience, and numerous positive reviews may charge higher rates for their services. Newer or less reputable exterminators often have lower fees to build up their client base.
  • Additional services. Things like damage repairs, cleaning and sealing entry points, or installing preventative measures like wire mesh or bait stations can increase the total exterminator bill. Some companies may charge extra for a warranty or service contract as well.
  • Time of year. Exterminator prices are often higher during peak seasons when demand is greatest, especially in summer when many insects are most active. Off-season or less busy months may feature discounts and lower rates.


With pest control being essential for the health and safety of your home and family, hiring a professional exterminator is often the best solution when dealing with an infestation. While the costs can vary significantly based on the types of pests, the size of your home, and the specific treatments needed, you now have a better sense of the range of prices to expect when contacting exterminators in your area. Rather than trying DIY pest control methods that may be ineffective or even make the problem worse, invest in the expertise of an exterminator to eliminate the infestation properly the first time. Your peace of mind and a pest-free living space will be well worth the cost.

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